

Page history last edited by virtualmatth 14 years ago

                    History Hack Day signup


Add your name to the list below if you want to come and can make the date. If you're not sure then add your name below 'Interested'.


Our maximum capacity is 120 people. If we get close to that then I'll make a Waiting List section, and I'll send out a reminder to people to remove themselves if they're no longer able to attend...




  1. Matt Patterson / Twitter: @fidothe / http://reprocessed.org/
  2. Rufus Pollock / http://okfn.org / http://rufuspollock.org/ / http://weavinghistory.org/
  3. Simon Harriyott / @harriyott / http://openplaques.org
  4. Jeremy Keith / @adactio / adactio.com
  5. Richard Boulton / @rboulton
  6. Dan W / @iamdanw / http://iamdanw.com/ 
  7. Paul Rissen / @r4isstatic / http://www.r4isstatic.com 
  8. John Dalziel / @crashposition / computus.org
  9. Janet E Davis / @janetedavis /
  10. Eliot York / @elioty 
  11. Paul Downey / @psd / http://blog.whatfettle.com 
  12. Jed Downey / @psd  
  13. Jo Pugh / @mentionthewar / http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education
  14. John Levin / @anterotesis / www.anterotesis.com
  15. Jim O'Donnell / @pekingspring / eatyourgreens.org.uk
  16. Richard Light /  @richardofsussex
  17. Ben Griffiths / @beng 
  18. Gavin Bell / @zzgavin /gavinbell.com 
  19. Ben Smith / @thesmith / thesmith.co.uk 
  20. Daniel Pett/ @portableant / finds.org.uk
  21. Mike Stenhouse / @mikesten / donotremove.co.uk 
  22. Gareth Lloyd / @godawful
  23. Brian Suda / @briansuda / suda.co.uk
  24. Crystal Hirschorn / @pand0ra83 / www.crystalh.com/blog
  25. James Aylett / @jaylett / tartarus.org/james/
  26. Mano Marks/ @mmarks/http://randommarkers.blogspot.com 
  27. Rachel Clarke / @rachelclarke / blog.bibrik.com
  28. Nneoma Amadi-obi
  29. Fiona Romeo / @foe / nmm.ac.uk
  30. Seyi Ogunyemi / @micrypt /  micrypt.com
  31. Chris Heathcote / @antimega / anti-mega.com 
  32. Ben Hall / @Ben_Hall / Blog.BenHall.me.uk / www.MeerKatalyst.com  
  33. Wes Herche 
  34. Graham Lyons /@grahamlyons
  35. Jez Nicholson / @jnicho02 / http://openplaques.org 
  36. Daniel Knell / @danielknell / http://danielknell.co.uk/ 
  37. Fred Kingham / @fredkingham
  38. Simon Cross / @sicross / http://www.facebook.com/sicross 
  39. Patrick Sinclair / @metade / http://metade.org 
  40. Keir Clarke / @KeirClarke / Google Maps Mania
  41. Gavin Baily / http://www.tracemedia.co.uk
  42. Sarah Bagshaw / http://www.tracemedia.co.uk
  43. Arran Ross-Paterson / @arranrp 
  44. Matt Bee / @mattbee
  45. Kornel Lesiński / @pornelski
  46. Jenna Smith / @jjenzz replaced With Harry Jones
  47. Max West / @mwellwest
  48. Damien Tanner / @dctanner  
  49. Tom Cavill / @tomcavill 
  50. Anthony Mann / @mrnibbles 
  51. Hon Lee /@guinnesslee / http://www.mashupweb.co.uk 
  52. Kevin Prince / @kevinprince   
  53. Tim Davey / @timjdavey 
  54. Jonathan Tweed / @jonathantweed / jonathan.tweed.name 
  55. Stephen Feber / www.stephenfeber.com 
  56. Srđan Keča / @skeca / skeca.com 
  57. Nigel Crawley / @ni / nigelcrawley.co.uk
  58. Frances Berriman / @phae / fberriman.com
  59. Francisco Jordano / @mepartoconmigo / ardeenelinfierno.com
  60. Morena Fiore / @mfujica  
  61. Leo Marques / @leomarques
  62. Marco Carnesecchi / @Marco_Carnesecc 
  63. Jonty Wareing / @jonty / jonty.co.uk
  64. Wai Kien
  65. Chris Wild / @theretronaut / www.howtobeatretronaut.com
  66. Louise Boulton 
  67. Tom Scott / @tomscott / tomscott.com
  68. Chris Lock / @catharsisjelly / @chrislock_mu 
  69. Simon R. Bone / byteart.com
  70. Alex Butterworth / @AlxButterworth
  71. Murray Rowan / @murrayrowan
  72. Tom Parker / @palfrey  / tevp.net
  73. Luke Blaney / @lucas42 / lukeblaney.co.uk 
  74. Peter Law / @peterjlaw / peterjlaw.co.uk 
  75. Tom Pollard / @datasetsBL / www.bl.uk/datasets
  76. Imran Ghory / @imranghory / imranghory.org / coderstack 
  77. ~~Moin Ahmed ~~/from http://proboscis.org.uk /  http://moinahmed.co.uk
  78. Jacques Pagels / @pagelsj 
  79. Mark Steward / @marksteward 
  80. Cristiano Betta / @cbetta
  81. Melinda Seckington / @mseckington 
  82. Kate Kelland / @katekelland (British Museum)
  83. Martin Martinoff (Forum for the Future) 
  84. Matt Hill @virtualmatthill (The Hackney Podcast )  (Like Christiana (86) as an observer!)
  85. Tom Morris @tommorris (blog.tommorris.org
  86. Christiana Dankwa (but only part of the w/e, as an observer)
  87. James Stewart @jystewart (ket lai) probably just for the talks, unfortunately
  88. Matteo Romanello / @mr56k 
  89. Michele Pasin / michelepasin.org 
  90. Tom Martin / @HeyChinaski 
  91. Saqib Shaikh / @SaqibS 




  1. Mia Ridge (would like to come but it depends on other commitments) / @mia_out / http://openobjects.blogspot.com/
  2. Paul Ford (alas I can't make it but look forward to the results) / @ftrain / http://ftrain.com 
  3. Martin Greaney / @mdgreaney / www.historic-liverpool.co.uk  (unfortunately have to pull out due to family commitments, but will be keeping an eye on these pages!)
  4. Hannah Donovan / @han /hannahdonovan.com (This clashes with Music Hackday MIDEM on Sunday now. Sadface).
  5. Andy Piper / @andypiper / andypiper.co.uk (likely to be in transit to Australia for LinuxConf AU... but have a Modern History degree and v interested... gah!)
  6. Kushal Pisavadia / @KushalP 
  7. Timothy Hill /  Centre for Computing in the Humanities@thillzilla  (would like to attend, but depends on juggling other commitments)
  8. Matthew Somerville / @dracos / theatricalia.com / theyworkforyou.com (also sadly can't make it, but if I can be of remote help on anything please do email :) )
  9. Kathleen McIlvenna / @kathleenmcil / kathleenmcil.wordpress.com (unfortunately looks like I won't be able to make it, but will try and add to the ideas and datasets) 
  10. David Govier / @mcrarchives / http://www.manchester.gov.uk/libraries/arls/
  11. Adam Spence / adamspence.co.uk
  12. Anna Faherty / @mafunyane / @raggedschool pulled out due to work/study deadlines. Will follow from afar
  13. Nick Stevens / Will try to get there!
  14. Matt Edgar / @mattedgar / matt.me63.com  can't now make it but will be watching at a distance

Comments (2)

Chris said

at 11:23 am on Jan 11, 2011

Chris Wild @theretronaut www.howtobearetronaut.com

marco.carnesecchi@... said

at 4:40 pm on Jan 12, 2011

Marco Carnesecchi / @Marco_Carnesecc

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